Friday, January 24, 2020

Dutch Republic Essay -- History, European Trade

The Dutch Republic was very successful economically and militarily around the 1650s. The Dutch were a well-respected nation in Europe due to the power they held over trade routes during the middle of the 17th century. Later, the Dutch Republic began to decline because of wars initiated by power-hungry competitor nations, mounting internal issues, and deteriorating trade in the later part of the 17th century. After witnessing the Dutch Republic’s rise in becoming a dominating controller of European trade, other countries in the area were eager to be a part of the success – even if that meant using force. England attacked the Dutch in three Anglo-Dutch Wars between 1652 and 1674, according to Document 3. Compared to the five hundred English ships that the Dutch seized, the English took approximately two thousand Dutch ships. This loss to Dutch merchant shipping would not be easily recovered. It is clear by the battle markers shown in Document 1 that many English Battles for economic influence occurred near trade routes. Everyone was desperate for a chance to get in on the profitable trade. France even allied with England in the Treaty of Dover (Document 6) so that the â€Å"allied sovereigns [could] then jointly declare war on the Dutch Republic†¦Ã¢â‚¬  As an official treaty, Document 6 is a clear insight into the true and blatant violent intentions of the other natio ns to take out the Dutch Republic’s power in order to increase their own. It was strategic partner to take out the Dutch before they absorbed all the trade power – a win-win for the England and France. At the Amsterdam City Council, people were obviously biased toward the Dutch side of the war. However, their opinion that â€Å"other kings seem more and more to scheme how to ruin wh... ...from one end by declining trade due to war and from the other by citizens, angry that their taxes had to fight the wars. The economic problems made finding war funding hopeless while the internal conflicts constantly pushed the fragile central government. The Dutch Republic made a steady decline following the 1650s. Though their budding commercial power in Amsterdam was great for both them and Europe, other countries saw that power as a potential threat. Seeking to take some of that commerce for their own use, nations like England and France allied to wage devastating war on the Dutch Republic. They damaged their morale and their wallets. Trade declined as the battles wore out the Dutch merchant ships and ravaged trade roots. With repeated military defeats, trade economy with damaged roots and piling debt, it was impossible for the Dutch to remain successful.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare Essay

â€Å"I am always directed by you† – Mariana â€Å"I am directed by you† – Isabella. Both these lines are addressed to the Duke. What do they suggest about women status in this play? What other evidence can you find to support your view? Measure for Measure is a play written by William Shakespeare in the seventeenth century which crucially presents the role of women. Women were viewed as pure and were not expected to be promiscuous, but dependent on men with few options or choices. Shakespeare’s interpretation of women in Measure for Measure very much reflects society’s opinion of women at the time, where men had more freedom and should be given more respect than women. The society at that time was a patriarchal one, where a male was a considered a God like figure and ultimately the leader, and below him was the king and then the nobles. However, although the society gave men more rights than women, Measure for Measure demonstrates that men also had more responsibilities. This is shown through the situation with Claudio and Juliet, as although they are both equally to blame for Juliet’s pregnancy, it is Claudio facing the death penalty. The women of Measure for Measure are generally quite low in the ranks of importance and respect; they are not spoken of with any importance. Juliet is the object of Claudio’s sexual release and Mariana is the long lost forgotten fiancee of Angelo, who was abandoned by him when she lost her dowry in a shipwreck. The only woman who kind of breaks the trend of the lowly women is Isabella, who has the courage to stand up to Angelo for her chastity. In the first half she is pushed between Angelo and Claudio while she decides what to do and refuses to respond Angelo’s advances, then in the second half, she takes her orders from the Duke which shows that on the other hand she is still obedient toward the Duke, following all of his instructions. In Act V, Scene 1, the Duke shows his opinion of women when talking to Mariana, he says: â€Å"Why, you are nothing then: neither maid, widow nor wife†. According to the Duke’s point of view, the other woman who truly is free is Mistress Overdone as she earns her own money and is able to get some freedom; at least she doesn’t have to stay at home cooking. The main female character in Measure for Measure is Isabella; she represents a very pure female character. This is first seen at the start of the play by the fact that she is training to become a nun and by the strong Christian values she appears to have. This is then emphasized later when she is told her brother’s life will be saved if he agrees to sleep with Angelo. She refuses this offer, placing her chastity and her Christian values above her own life. This illustrates that a woman’s purity is highly valued, while a woman being promiscuous is not accepted. Mariana is another female character in the play and she is quite different to Isabella. None of these three men, Angelo, Claudio or the Duke, seem to think that her Choice matters- her body is to be bargained for whether for lust, life or love. When the duke asks Mariana to allow him a private discussion with Isabella, she replies, â€Å"I am always bound to you†, as if she is speaking to an old friend. And again, when the duke tells her he respects her, she answers that she knows it and has found it to be true, suggesting a long-term relationship. This statement also shows that she is his subject. The adjective ‘bound’ means that she is obliged to do as he wishes and also compelled to do so. She uses the adverb ‘always’ to him which shows that she will always follow his example and will do his will in any condition. Her absolute trust is manifested when she agrees to entrust her chastity as the Friar asks. In the Jacobean society Shakespeare lived in, women would have always done as they were bid by order of men, but especially if the order was given by a man of religion. These words show the absolute compliance that the Duke is able to gain through becoming a disguise (pseudo-)friar. The Duke abuses this religious power to gain insight into people’s souls for his own ends. He knows that Angelo wishes Isabella to ‘give up the treasures’ of her body and uses the two women to gain more power over Angelo. The same applies to when Isabella says to the Duke, â€Å"I am directed by you†, this statement also shows how women respected men and how men were above in authority. As mentioned above, there are no independent women in Measure for Measure, this is not strange, considering the setting and Shakespeare’s own era; there are prostitutes and nuns who are given no chance to control their own lives most of all they seem to have no choice in any matter.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Addiction to Video Games Essay - 1605 Words

Addiction to Video Games Imagine entering a world where you can kill everyone in sight and be killed while not being hurt in real life. You enter the battle arena armed with just a handgun and your fists. As you start walking around, you suddenly see a man turn the corner aiming his shotgun barrel right between your eyes. You follow your instincts and strafe around him while shooting him with your handgun. The handgun suddenly runs out of bullets and you are forced to charge him with your fists while he is trying to blow your head off with his shotgun. He succeeds in hitting you twice in the arms with his shotgun, but you reach him in time to deliver one last powerful blow to his neck to kill him.†¦show more content†¦This is what leads many college students to play video games instead of completing homework assignments. Working-class people are also easily stressed out because many jobs require more effort than what most people can handle. These people might still be new to their job and havent fully adapted to their new lifestyle. On the other hand, they might be veterans in their field of work and have grown bored of the same repetitive work. Another factor that relates to stress is aggression. Young adults generally do not know how to properly manage stress and instead turn to aggression as a solution. By playing violent video games, these people can channel their stress into a virtual world where their aggression wont hurt anyone in real life. Some factors that influence younger children to play video games include boredom, curiosity, and peer pressure. Many elementary school and middle school students arent assigned that much homework and therefore have hours of free time everyday after school. Many of these children play video games to pass the time away between doing homework and going to sleep. Other children who watch their friends play these types of games become curious and want to try the game out for themselves. This is also similar to peer pressure. Anyone who plays these types of video games will no doubt try to influence all their friendsShow MoreRelatedVideo Games : Video Game Addiction2135 Words   |  9 PagesApril 15 Video Games Addiction in Asia For the past decades, video games have been accessible to varied kinds of groups all over the world, which are from children to adults. Meanwhile, problems of online games addiction are arising particularly rapid and evident, especially in Asia. According to the news â€Å"Gaming Addiction On the Rise in Asia† by Paul Gaita, nearly 1.2 billion out of 84 million of world wide online gamers are Asians, which has led Asia to be the chief of video game addiction. (Gaita)Read MoreVideo Game Addiction524 Words   |  2 Pagesperson thinks of an addiction, substances come to mind: drugs and alcohol. Doctors are now realizing and recognizing behaviors as addictive also. The criteria descriptions are almost mirrored with those of a substance addiction and Kimberly Young, PsD, clinical director of the Center for On-Line Addiction says compulsive gaming meets these criteria. Severe withdrawal symptoms are prevalent with those who are addicted; they can become violent, or depressed (Rauh, 2006). Video gaming is a $66 billionRead MoreThe Addiction Of Video Games951 Words   |  4 PagesAddiction to Video Games A few months ago, my son asked for a tablet which we bought it for his birthday. It was a good idea back then, since he never had one before and it was his birthday. My only thought was to make my son happy in rewards of his good work at school, but later it become a problem. I was scared of seeing my son playing video games! I started noticing that he was acting different. 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